jalada Rail Madness (Mac OS X) download_trans.gif Download

jalada Rail Madness


jalada Rail Madness

Rail Madness brings the classic wooden rail on your computer.

In this amusing game, you will live a funny adventure and depending on your driving reflexes, you will advance to the next levels.

You become a virtual driver of a little railway engine and your challenge is to create the longest train ever by adding as many wagons as you can, but without causing an accident. You have to drive your train carefully, if you don't want to crash into the wagons, and therefore lose your engine, because you have only three chances. Additional power-ups provide variety on the railway line. and help you to collect the wagons in a better way.

Rail Madness is an excellent game full of fun, especially for young and young at heart players. It convinces with its simple control and has a cute cartoonish style that most kids will love.


  • Colorful animated wood engine.
  • High level of details.
  • Beautiful music and movie tracks.
  • Various sound effects.
  • 50 Levels
  • Easy control
  • Full-featured 19 languages: Arabic, Breton, Chinese, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.


System requirements

  • Mac OS X Version 10.4.4 or later.
  • Macintosh Computer with PowerPC G4 1.5 GHz (or better) or Intel Mac.
  • 50 MB free on hard disk.
  • Sound card.
memorian of ansesa

Barudak Ronghock Yang Pada Narsis


Guitar Pro 6.0 Full Crack With SoundBank

Setelah ada beberapa kendala yang menghadang, akhirnya saya bisa juga share aplikasi yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu, yakni Guitar Pro 6.0 Full Crack With SoundBank. Pasti sobat blogger udah pada tau kan fungsi dari Guitar Pro 6.0 ini?? Kalau belum, silahkan baca artikel saya tentang Guitar Pro 5.2 Full. Buat sobat blogger yang sudah request aplikasi Guitar Pro 6.0 full with soundbank ini sejak lama, langsung aja di cek,,

Guitar Pro 6.0 ini merupakan versi terbaru dari guitar pro. Di versi yang ke 6 ini, banyak sekali hal baru yang dapat kita temui seperti tampilan nya yang lebih fresh, fitur, dan sampai proses aktivasi nya yang lumayan sulit, berbeda sekali dengan Guitar Pro 5.2 yang hanya perlu copy-paste serial aja.

Di atas saya sudah menyinggung masalah aktivasi guitar pro 6 yang lumayan sulit, berikut saya jelaskan step by step aktivasi Guitar Pro 6 yang sudah saya olah lebih dalam lagi agar mudah dicerna oleh sobat blogger. Hehehe

Cara Aktivasi Guitar Pro 6.0 :

  1. Download dahulu software guitar pro nya.
  2. Ekstrak dan lakukan instalasi seperti biasa.
  3. Close Guitar Pro, jangan di launch sehabis instalasi.
  4. Masuk ke "C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/", buka file host menggunakan notepad, lalu tambahkan " activation.guitar-pro.com". Klik save
  5. Copy paste file "Guitarpro.dat" yang sudah disediakan dalam paketdownload, ke :
  6. Untuk Windows XP :
    C:\Documents and Settings\%Profile%\Application Data\Guitar Pro 6\
    Untuk Vista dan 7 :
    C:\Users\%Profile%\AppData\Roaming\Guitar Pro 6\ (kalau tidak ada folder Guitar Pro 6 nya, buat baru aja)
  7. Klik 2x reg.reg untuk add reg.reg ke registry.
  8. Copy/paste file "guitarpro.exe" dan "guitarpro6-patch-Fixed.exe" yang ada di dalam folder crack ke folder tempat anda menginstalGuitar Pro 6.
    Misal : C:\Program files\Guitar pro 6\
  9. Jalankan file "guitarpro6-patch-Fixed.exe", klik patch.
  10. Sekarang coba anda jalankan Guitar Pro 6 nya.
Taraaaaaa... Bagaimana?? Sekarang silahkan anda instal RSE 2 nya. Okeiiii

NB : Maksud dari kata "profile" di C:\Documents and Settings\%Profile%\Application Data\Guitar Pro 6\ merupakan nama account yang anda gunakan di windows.

UPDATE (19082010) : Buat sobat blogger yang gagal. Maafl, karena langkah di atas ada yang lupa saya cantumkan. Silahkan di cek kembali,, mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan nya ini.

The RSE: realistic audio playback
The RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology includes the realistic studio recordings of instruments, as well as some effect modelisations that are the result of years of research.

You'll get access to over a hundred soundbanks, and over fifty effects pedals and amps. We provide many presets for all styles, and you can also configure your own effect chains. You can apply a mastering to the final result, with a compressor-limiter, a reverb, and a 10-track equalizer. You can also listen to your scores in MIDI sound.

In Guitar Pro 6 the RSE2 offers over a hundred soundbanks, new integrated presets, and the possibility to entirely configure the sound of each track.

Selamat Mencoba

INFO : 100% tested n worked..!!!

Password RAR : www.remo-xp.com
Download Guitar Pro 6.0 :
Download Guitar Pro 6.0 Full With Crack Activator

Download RSE 2 (SoundBank) :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Game Accelerator 9.0

Game Accelerator adalah program, yang sangat cerdas yang dikembangkan akan menilai perangkat keras PC Anda dan system operasi dan mengoptimalkannya untuk memberikan pengalaman, bermain game lebih cepat dan lebih stabil. Anda Jalankan permainan pada kinerja terbaik dengan menghilangkan masalah kinerja dan stabilitas bahwa membuat game Anda berjalan lebih optimal. Program ini merupakan suatu keharusan bagi
siapa saja yang saat ini menuntut kinerja optimal saat bermain game! klik salah satu pilihan menu memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan game Anda berjalan lebih cepat didasarkan pada hardware sistem Anda. Kombinasi dari teknik optimasi yang digunakan oleh Game Accelerator membantu meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda secara signifikan..

What's new in 9.0:-Brand-baru GameSmart 5,0 percepatan mesin
-penambahan special game optimizations for: The Sims 3, Prototype, Street Fighter IV, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II, Left 4 Dead, Arma2, Killing Floor, X-Blades, X3: Terran Conflict, Lord of the Rings: Conquest, 4x4: Hummer, G-Force, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen-Peningkatan dukungan untuk Intel dan AMD CPU-Peningkatan dukungan untuk Nvidia terbaru dan kartu video ATi

  • Features of Game Accelerator:

1. HyperSpeed Gaming Mode
2. High-Performance Mode
3. Silent Gaming System Tune-up
4. Quick Speed Tune-up
5. Defragment Memory
6. Defragment Hard Disks
7. Diagnose DirectX System Configuration
8. System Monitor
9. HyperCool System Cooling
10. Intelligent Memory Defragmentation

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Melewatkan timer dari rapidshare

Sebelumnya saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada safe-computing.co.cc yang udah share tips-trik ini ok langsung adja yang pertama anda lakukan adalah : 1. buka link yang mau kita download, terus klik "Free User" .
2. Setelah timer muncul, klik kanan halaman itu, pilih "View Page Source"
3.kemudian ketik kombinasi "Ctrl+F" dan cari keyword "var tt " maka akan muncul seperti gambar di atas .
3. Setelah mendapatkan keyword di atas, coba kamu baca link di sebelahnya seperti "action="http://......." copy link yang di dalam tag "action" tersebut , dan pastekan di address bar,
kemudian, tekan enter, secara otomatis browser mendownload file tersebut tanpa menunggu lama lagi .
Okeh ntu dulu tips trik dari saya semoga bermanfa'at
NB: Adapun kekurangan dari trik ini yaitu, proses download hanya berlaku 1 kali / 1 sesi , jika file yang tadi sudah di buka tetapi gagal di download, maka silahkan lang lagi dari langkah pertama

Download Baby Gender Predictor 2010

Baby gender prediction you now! maybe this is the purpose of this application is true irrespective of whether or not the results later. This program usesthe way of non-traditional methods such as China, Japan and the age of blood. Chinese method based on Chinese lunar calendar, the Japanese method based on how old the month of conception from the father and mother, while the age of blood using the date of birth of father and mother.

I do not know what is desired by the maker of this application, whether it's true your baby's gender can be detected with the right or just for fun just to play with your baby's sex later. All indirect method using date of birth father and mother of the baby along with the date of conception, besides maternal blood type was determined the sex of the baby.

Particulars on the blood method, a combination of date of birth for both parents of the baby plus the date of conception, then combined again with the blood type of mother dear. different from the Chinese method that uses a combination of mother's birth date and date of conception. and the Japanese method using date of birth for both parents plus the date of conception.

For potential fathers and expectant mothers who are interested I suggest trying this application should use the method of blood for more racial results.

Remo-xp Crew:
Download Baby Genre Predictor 2010


Download Windows XP 3D Turbo 2010

Previously I've discussed Batman XP Windows 2010, given a very Lively tTernyata response, Which I like guessing do not. On occasion this time I Will share the operating system as well, namely Windows XP 3D Turbo 2010.Those WHO Had requests, cekidot ,,

Windows XP 3D Turbo 2010 is a Windows XP Mods result which put the 3D elements without eliminating the performance and speed. Actually no one is privileged with the OS on this one, very similar to the windows xp original, which distinguishes only possible in Windows XP 2010 3D Turbo is already Included collection of 3D themes Which Can you use.

Windows XP 3D Turbo 2010 I have tried this and checks, was actually Windows XP SP 3. Unlike Batman XP, in its information but apparently mentioned SP 3 SP 2. Hehee

OS Information:

  • Release Name: 3D Windows XP SP3 2010-Turbo
  • System: Windows XP Professional SP3 Original MSDN
  • Year: 2009
  • The CD Key: Already slipstreamed Original Key
  • Activation: Already activated
  • Install method: Unattended
  • File formats: ISO
  • Size: 700 MB
  • Bootable
  • Accept the updates from Microsoft
Programs Added: (optional install)
  • Avira Antivirus
  • 10 yahoo messenger
  • Multiyahoo messenger regit
  • flash player
  • windows media player 11
  • K-lite Kodec
  • resize icon
  • Icon Pakager
  • Icons
  • Hitman pro 5.3
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5
  • Transbar
  • True transperncy
  • Ubericon
  • Vista Rainbar
  • Visual Tooltip
  • YzShadow
  • Refrech icon cache
  • Crystal Rocket dock
  • Dock Vieena
  • Microsoft Geniune Advantage
  • Netframework 2
  • winrar 8.3
  • Advanced Task Manager
  • Clean Unistaller 3
  • Error Repair proffesional V3
  • More Than 15 New 3D styler Themes
  • 3D Icons
  • 3D wallpapers
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